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The Youth Active Platform on The Natural Resource Governance


The Youth Active Platform on The Natural Resource Governance Dialogue on Improving governance for equitable and effective conservation


Governance is a critical determinant of the social equity, effectiveness, and sustainability of natural resource use and conservation. Improving natural resource governance, including securing rights and sharing power and responsibilities, benefits both people and nature. Despite this, governance needs to be better understood and addressed in many natural resource and conservation contexts.


Hence, since most of the population is young, it will be more relevant for them to be aware and have a critical role to play in not just being beneficiaries but also leading active roles in natural resources governance on improving equitable and practical conservation. Further, have an open dialogue on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, and encourage youth to manage forests well and Reforestation to ensure young people play an active role as partners in such courses. The approaches that we do use are of putting young people as lead on;


1. Inclusive decision-making 
Decision-making regarding natural resource policies and practices is based on the whole and effective participation of all relevant actors, with particular attention to the voice and inclusion of rights-holders and groups at risk of marginalization. 


2. Commitment 
Decisions at the lowest possible level are appropriate to the social and ecological systems being governed, with particular attention to empowering the roles of young people and authority and local communities in natural resource governance.


3. Coordination and coherence 
Actors involved in or affecting natural resource governance coordinate around a coherent set of strategies and management practices.


4. Accountability 
Actors responsible for or affecting natural resource governance are accountable for their actions and the environmental and social impacts they produce

Fair and effective rule of law.

5. Natural resource-related laws and their application are fair and effective and protect fundamental rights.


6. Sustainable and equitably shared resources
Actors responsible for natural resources have the means necessary to carry out sustainable management and governance activities, including the equitable sharing of benefits generated from natural resources.

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